An emergency shelter is a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence, similar to homeless shelters. Emergency shelters typically specialize in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as natural or man-made disasters, domestic violence, or victims of sexual abuse. Emergency shelters sometimes facilitate support groups and may provide meals.
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Childcare Housing Rent Assistance Education
(330) 746-6622(330) 746-6622
Committed to all disadvantaged women and children. By creating homes, providing educational oppor...
Our core values are built around a Christ-like vision to support and assist those who need it mos...
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Family Shelters Youth Shelters Women's Shelters Counseling Education
(330) 744-5486(330) 744-5486
We house, feed, counsel and educate hundreds each year through our residential programs, enabling...
Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Women's Shelters Overnight Shelters Domestic Violence Day Shelters Legal Assistance Meals Spiritual Counseling Clothing Identification
(330) 744-5485(330) 744-5485
FREE MEALS Two full meals are served daily to the public at our Emergency Shelter located at 962 ...
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Youth Shelters Women's Shelters Counseling Legal Assistance
Providing intervention, counseling, and shelter for victims of domestic violence. P.O. Box 612 Yo...
Doors to the dining hall open on week days at 6:00am for guests to come in and receive shelter fr...